8.3.2 - added additonal options on the big buienradarscreen to also select radarimages for the next hour, the next 3 hours and the next 24 hours. 8.3.1 - Weatherstation selection screen had too many entries to display. Filtered out the Noordzee Platform weatherstation to show the remaining ones - Some Buienradar images didn't have the correct aspect ratio (Actual temp./Min-Max temp/ Windforce and min ground temp). 8.3.0 - implemented native https calls. No need for the cron jobs anymore. cron jobs installed for 8.2.1 can be removed manually. N.B. This versions needs to be installed with ToonStore 1.1.0 or later 8.2.1 - changed reading http://xml.buienradar.nl/ to a local file /root/buienradar/buienradar.xml because http calls are now redirected to https which is standard not supported by Toon. use the wget method to retrieve the buienradar.xml file as described on https://www.domoticaforum.eu/viewforum.php?f=87 8.2.0 - simplified station selection screen, can now select from all available weatherstations in the xml file 8.1.0 - copy of 8.0.10, renumbered to work around a bug in ToonStore 8.0.10 - restored backwards compatibility with firmware version 3.x 8.0.9 - expended the 5-days forecast table with 'today' being the last prediction of yesterday for today. this column will be visible from the next day after a restart of Toon 8.0.8 - Longitude/Latitude coordinates were not saved after clicking on the map. - cosmetic improvements to that same screen to set your location for the rain radar (labels didn't fit) - removed C (Celsius) captial from the main Buienradar tile to match the temperature format of the thermostat 8.0.7 - cosmetic changes in the systray icon, to comply with 4.4 fw style. 8.0.6 - rain prediction data feed URL changed at the buienradar site (for the next 2 hour rain prediction per lat/lon coordinates) 8.0.5 - actual temperature saved after each update to file:///var/volatile/tmp/actualBuienradarTemp.txt for use in the TemperatureLogger app version 1.2 onwards. 8.0.4 -cosmetic change: updated screen titles for minimum and maximum temperature in the extra radar screens 8.0.3 -added the following NL - maps to the big radarimage screen accessible via de systray (button "Extra schermen") minimum temperature today maximum temperature today actual temperature actual windforce and direction minimum ground temperature today (convenient during winter) 8.0.1 - corected a bug where the small yellow marker on the big radarimage map was dislocated (bug was introduced in version 8) - yellow marker suppressed when viewing muggenradar, pollenradar or BBQ radar on big radarscreen 8.0 - added Mosquitoradar, BBQ radar and pollenradar to the main Buienradar screen (accessible via the systray icon) - added this changelog 7.4.3 - added code in BuienradarApp.qml to control screen brightness based on sunrise/sunset (code was accidentally removed, originally added in 7.3) 7.4.2 - added sunrise/sunset times to the detail screen - clicking on the weather forecast text box on the details screen now opens a new full screen weather forecast. the text box on the details screen is still scrollable but this was not working very user friendly 7.4.1 - save the selected weather station and lon/lat coordinates for the rain tile and load at startup. Files written to the buienradar folder: selectedStation.txt, selectedLongitude.txt and selectedLatitude.txt 7.3 - fix determineNight() function in Buienradar.js - added dormant code in BuienradarApp.qml to control screen brightness based on sunrise/sunset 7.2.1 - small icons for 5 days forecast and tile in non-dim state now included in the drawables folder and shown correctly. 7.2 - added 10 minutes markers to make it easier to read the exact timing of predicted rain on tile 7.1 - when selected weather station data is not available in the XML file (happens frequently just after midnight), the previous data will continue to be shown instead of NaN and blanks. 7.0.2 beta - bugfix icon weather station on tile - replace "https" by "http" in the xml data feed, all icons in the 5-day forecast are now ok as well 7.0.1 beta - complete rewrite of the function updateBuienradar in BuienradarApp.qml. Not reading as XML document anymore but as text file (hopefully more reliable longer term). 6.0 - big Buienradar image enlarged as before - added some clarifying text in the lon/lat entry screen 5.0.10 - added functionality to enter the lon/lat coordinates on the screen behind the 'Regen' tile by clicking anywhere on the map :-) at any zoom level! Calculated by just one formula (functions calcXcoordinate and calcYcoordinate in Buienradar.js) within the Netherlands this functionality works very precise. As you move closer to the poles or equator the deviation is large but that doesn't matter for this application. Between zoom levels 5 (NL) and 13 (neighbourhood) it works very good. Coordinates are rounded to 2 decimals because of the limitation of the rain datafeed by buienradar. On zoomlevel 13 only 4 rounded lat/lon points exists on the map. Zoomlevel 13 is the starting zoomlevel when opening the screen. Zooming further means the whole map is covered by just one rounded coordinate and clicking anywhere will not have an effect. Panning can be done by clicking at the edges of the map, which will become the new center of the next map. 5.0.8beta: - after changing the Longitude or Latitude (by clicking on the rainradar tile) a marker is placed on that location on the big Buienradar screen (via de tray icon) as well as the small buienradar image on the detail screen. - zoom in and zoom out buttons for the map added to the Lon/Lat entry screen, default starting at the lowest zoom level - you can zoom in and out on the google map on the latitude/longitude edit screen is - default location set with the longitude/latitude coordinates is now also shown with a yellow marker 5.0.5 - I made the Y-axis scaling configurable. When clicking on the 'Regen' tile you can change the Y-axis scale as well to enter the maximum #mm of rain. Entering value 0 (zero) will make the graph scaled to the max value of the data feed (rounded to the next .5 mm of rain). This should cover everyone's needs. - I had to do some 'defensive programming' when using built-in function like the keyboards. Behaviour of these functions slightly differ between firmware releases. Current version is tested on firmware 3.2 and 3.6 and works fine on both. - further cosmetic changes to the tile. 5.0.1 beta - added a second tile with 'Regenverwachting' for the next two hours (courtesy of Brainhunt). 4.0.1beta - temperature on tile and last update date now using local formats (thanks Marcel) - big icon on tile (day/night) now based on sunrise/sunset times from buienradar xml file. 4.0 beta - added a big weather icon to the tile (in dim state) based on the famous 'ID' and 'zin' tags and the day of time - added a tray icon to the homescreen which starts a separate screen with the big buienradar radar images (animated gifs) :D - added a small version of the radar images to the existing Details screen as well - changed the update frequency to 10 minutes (was 15) 3.3 - Details screen: images are now properly aligned in the 5 days weather forecast columns - Fix on StationScreen by Marcel (thanks) - A new selected weather station is now saved to "/tmp/selectedStation.txt' and read during startup of qt-gui. when the file doesn't exist, Rotterdam (6344) is used as default. - cosmetic update to the tile: relative humidity now represented as 'lv'- luchtvochtigheid. 3.2 - added 5-days wind forecasts to Detail screen - Images will be taken from the weather app folder. Please delete the provincies folder from ../buienradar/drawables manually to save space on your device. 3.0 - added airpressure (luchtdruk) to tile (thanks Marcel) - added chill temperature (gevoelstemperatuur) to tile. - added relative humidity (relatieve luchtvochtigheid) to tile - reformatted tile (main temp in bold, changed relative positions) - details screen weather forecast text is now smaller and scrollable (swipe like on your phone) 2.0.1 - weather stations now selectable via maps - added 'Bf' to wind line on tile (thanks Marcel for the example). - 'Zin' text is truncated when too long for the tile (thanks Marcel). - added this app to the menu of Toon 1.0.2 - removed the hardcoded filter on '6344'. 'Location is now used as selection filter as it should (thanks to RomMon) - ID and zin tags now properly populated and added to the tile (thanks to HvxL) - added the date/time of the latest weatherforecast from your favourite weatherstation to the detailed screen - changed the refresh cycle from 15 minutes to 10 minutes to match the XML refresh rate on the buienradar server. - as a teaser: I added a button to the Details screen ('Weerstation') to allow selection of your favourite weatherstation in the next release (you can press it now but nothing happens yet). 1.0 -initial release dec 2016