1.0.10 - date of the first appointment on the tile in dim state now shows as 'vandaag', 'morgen' and 'overmorgen' for the coming three days. - Later dates are now formatted as "Ma 18 december" on the tile in dim state - cosmetic redesign on the tile in dim state 1.0.9 - bugfix: error message regarding reading the settings file showed too often 1.0.8 - added colors for each appointment to identify the source calendar - configuration screen now shows all source calendars plus associated color - display of colors can be switched on/off in the configuration screen - the full screen with appointments is now scrollable from recurring items only the first next occurrence is shown for the time being. 1.0.7 - one bug fix with full-day events which are shown 24h too long on screen 1.0.6 - the time shift bug has been solved for recurring appointments - recurring item tag "COUNT" is now implemented, when the last of the series is in the past, the item will not be shown anymore - recurring item tag "INTERVAL" is now implemented, used to repeat an appointment every 4 weeks, or every 2 months etc - weekly recurring item with specifc days is now implemented, like repeat every workday (combination of repeat WEEKLY and a list of days like MO TU WE TH FR) 1.0.5 - removed re-writing of userSettings.json by the app - various bug fixes - expanded support for recuring items (now supports YEARLY, MONTHLY, WEEKLY, DAILY and the UNTIL tags) not yet supported recurring tags: INTERVAL (e.q. every two weeks) and COUNT (repeat x times) still some other issues to resolve with recurring items but this version is already much better then 1.0.3 - added support for iCloud calendars (beta, but seems ok, needs more thorough testing) - recurring items are preceded by '(*)' for now, need something nicer in the future 1.0.3 - rewritten the core engine (3 times as fast now). No delays anymore during boot of Toon 1 Calenders start getting retrieved 2,5 minutes after finishing the start of the calendar app to allow the boot process of Toon 1 to finish - the first occurence of simple recurring items are now shown for appointments which repeat weekly or yearly. (more complex recurrences like repeat weekly on Mon and Thu and Fri are not yet supported) 1.0.2 - added issuing a notification according to the reminder setting in the appointments - added a config screen to be able to disable the notifications :-) - if the userSettings.json file doesn't exists, a default one is created with the NL holidays calendar - appointments in the past are not processed at all anymore 1.0.1 - prevented long calendar event titles would go across the tile boundaries - sometimes appointment dates were corrupted - some calendars start with summer time events, creating a few fake entries on Toon. I am skipping these now. 1.0.0 - initial release to show your google calendar entries