2.0.0 - changed the source from xml.fileindex.nl to the anwb.nl json feed - user settings (road filter) are now stored in the persistent /mnt/data/tsc folder - this update will only be available on firmware 5 Toons 1.0.7/8/9 - firmware 5 compatibility 1.0.6 - Added highway A325 to the filter screen 1.0.5 - changed text in traffic jam screen - modified systray icon 1.0.4 - rebranded to fileinfo for use in toonstore 1.0.3 - packaged for application in the toonstore - cosmetic changes (systray icon) Version 1.0.2 - ensure compatibility with firmware versions 3.x and 4.x - traffic screen was not initialized properly, started blank always untill you hit the filter button Version 1.0 - added a tile with the first three roads with traffic jams (your road filter is active by default on the tile) Version 0.2 - small bug fix regarding selection of N-roads when opening the change filter screen (was unselected by default instead of previous value) - added a tray icon for quick access to traffic info - added this changelog Version 0.1 - initial release