3.8 - area-afval.nl implemented (waste provider 25, download ical from website and copy to Toon as /root/waste/waste_calendar.ics once a year 3.7 - avalex.nl implemented (waste provider 24, enter ical calendar id in settings screen) 3.6 - extra icons named "A" through "Z" will show only during the full day from midnight to midnight, other icons "a" through "z" will use the display hour value from the configuration screen - added 'BEST tas' category for RD4, new icon designed by Vibestar 3.5 - added plastic category for mijnafvalwijzer.nl - all user configuration settings are now stored in userSettings.json only. reducing the application size by almost 3K IMPORTANT: if you come from an older version than 3.4 then you have to reconfigure your settings in the configscreen. - added waste provider omrin.nl (waste provider 21) - added waste provider afvalstoffendienstkalender.nl (waste provider 22) - added waste provider alphenaandenrijn.nl (waste provider 23) - fix: extra dates were not read for waste provider 0 3.4 - fixed bug where arrow disappeared at 00:01 hours in dimstate - fixed timing issue at inital startup which sometimes showed an empty tile till 18:00 - added an option to read an additional file with extra dates which will be merged with the dates from your waste provider - added an option to read custom images to display these extra dates in dim state - added an option to read a json file containing the extra dates descriptions - prepared for a change in storing user settings. This version will write all settings to a new file userSettings.json containing all individual user variables in JSON format. The next version will delete all individual settings text files and continue with the JSON file only 3.3 - added new combined waste category names for mijnafvalwijzer.nl 3.2 - mijnafvalwijzer.nl code rewritten to scrape data from the http page (json calls no longer supported) - improved startup time after gui-restart (waste pages were loaded twice) - corrected error helptext for inputfield wasteprovider 3.1 - filtered double entries hvcgroep.nl - changed the display of dates on tile in 'vandaag', 'morgen'and 'overmorgen' if applicable - added a button on the tile to indicate the container has been put out in the street icon in dim state will show an arrow to indicate that the empty container needs to be collected. pressing the same button again to indicate you have collected the empty container will remove the icon in dim state - added a specific GFT waste categorie for mijnafvalwijzer.nl 3.0 - added a screen with the next 15 waste collection events you can access this screen by clicking on the tile From this screen you can also access the settings screen - a new setting has been added to select the hour from which you see the icon for next days collections Example: when entering 22, you will see the waste collection icon for the next day from 22:01 onwards In older versions this time was fixed at 18:01 (default value in this version). 2.7 - added waste descriptions to mijnafvalwijzer.nl for Zevenaar - added support for 'duo containers" to mijnafvalwijzer.nl for Zevenaar - restored compatibility with older firmware versions 2.6 - removed recyclemanager.nl provider - implemented automatic retrieval via https for rd4info.nl, now need to enter zipcode and housenr in the config screen - implemented automatic retrieval via https for cure-afvalbeheer.nl,cyclusnv.nl, dar.nl, zrd.nl and meerlanden.nl - added provider afvalalert.nl (provider 15: enter zipcode/house nr in config screen) - added provider zrd.nl (provider 18: enter kalender id in configscreen) - added provider drimmelen.nl (provider 19: enter zipcode/housenr) 2.5 - added provider meerlanden.nl (waste provider 16). Need to download the ICS file via wget/cron jobs - added provider rd4info.nl (waste provider 17), Download at your PC and copy the webpage to Toon see manual at domoticaforum.eu 2.4 - new improved icons (Thanks to Vibestar) - added providers rova.nl (On your PC visit the Rov website, enter your zipcode/housenr and save the page with your waste collection data as "ROVA Afvalkalender.htm. Copy this file to Toon as "/root/waste/ROVA Afvalkalender.htm". On Toon select waste provider 14. - added provider afvalwijzer-arnhem.nl (waste provider 13, just enter zipcode and housenr in the configscreen) 2.3 - ensured backwards compatibility with firmware version 3.x - added provider limburg.net (BE) - added provider denhaag.nl - added provider rmn.nl - added Streetnr to config screen for limburg.net. N.B. iok.be users needs to enter the Streetnr in the new field instead of Housenr previously - added more waste types for Mijnafvalkalender.nl (Thanks TheHogNL) - added transparancy for icons for 'grofvuil' and 'puin' - added an icon for 'kunststof' for limburg.net - changes / optimizations in the config screen. - added helptext for all input fields in the config screen. 2.2 - added iok.be for our Belgian friends in 'De Kempen' - cosmetic improvements to config screen 2.1 - added popup message regarding 5-10 seconds delay in updating tile after a configuration change - cosmetic improvements to config screen 2.0 - added config screen to selected waste collector and enter zipcode/housenr to become ToonStore compatible config is saved in selectedHouseNr.txt, selectedZipcode.txt and selectedWasteCollector.txt and read at boot tile is updated 5 seconds after a config change - added cranendonck.nl (manual copy of wastecalendar.ics to /root/waste folder) 1.0-1.7 - initial release plus implemented several wastecollectors in subsequent releases